Lauren Dudzak has been proud to call Rutgers University her home-away-from-home since entering Livingston College as a first-year student. A University employee since beginning her undergraduate academic career, Lauren has worked in numerous student-service departments and offices including Residence Life, the Rutgers Learning Centers, and Academic Services. Now, as an Assistant Dean of Advising for the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS), Lauren shares in the management responsibilities for general academic advising provided at the four SAS Advising Centers on the New Brunswick campus and regularly teaches academic seminars through SAS. She also serves as the Campus Coordinator for the National Student Exchange at Rutgers-New Brunswick, helping students broaden their personal and educational experiences through exchange opportunities in the United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Her belief in equitable rights for women and workers finds practical application through participation in local/state social justice organizations, the Union of Rutgers Administrators (URA-AFT), and the Coalition of Labor Union Women (Greater New Jersey Chapter). In her free time, Lauren enjoys drinking copious amounts of coffee, brewing beer, and doting over her two cats, Sawyer and Sophie.