• Committee: Ethel Brooks, Joanna Regulska, Mary Hawkesworth
  • Post-MA Employment/Education: Pursuing PhD in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies at University of Washington
  • Thesis/Practicum: Practicum: Intersections of politics of identity, politics of location, and politics of translation in transnational feminist practices with Femininst Journal IF (Seoul, South Korea)

Jiwoon Lee holds a B.A. in English from Kongju National University and is currently Jiwoon is currently undertaking dissertation field research on feminized janitorial labor in Seoul, South Korea. Her research juxtaposes 1970’s female factory workers’ struggle in the export industry with the contemporary struggle of female janitorial workers under the neoliberal labor regime, attempting to explain the changing gendered and racial division of labor, particularly looking at the rhetoric of labor struggles and legal reforms. Areas of her study include Marxist theories, transnational feminisms, studies on intimacy and modernity, and critiques of neoliberalism.