Research Interests
Professor Sifuentes-Jáuregui's research interests include Latino/a Literature and Culture, XXth-Century Latin American Literature and Cultural Studies, gender theory and sexuality studies, and psychoanalysis. He is the author of Transvestism, Masculinity, and Latin American Literature(Palgrave, 2002), and has also published articles on sexuality, queer identities in Latino/a America, and melodrama.
Biographical Notes
Prof. Sifuentes-Jáuregui teaches a variety of undergraduate courses on Latin American and U.S. Latino/a literature, film, performance theory, and cultural practices. His graduate seminars include topics such as melodrama as hegemonic discourse in Latin American cultures; deconstruction and master narratives; interrogating critical concepts in gender and queer theory as they relate to a broad American context; representations of race, sexuality and gender in the cultural production of the nation; also, U.S. Latino/a identities and postcolonial theory. He just completed a new manuscript entitled, "Epistemerotics: Silence and Disavowal in Queer Latino American Narratives," which looks at queer self-figuration in Latin American and Latino texts. New research and teaching projects deal one with masochism and melodrama, as well as another with Latino texts, abjection, and psychoanalytic theory.