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Research Interests

International security and critical security studies; Military organizations and warfare; Global mental health, trauma and resilience; Science and Technology Studies; Historical International Relations; Feminist, Critical Race, and Disability Theory

Biographical Notes

Alison Howell is Associate Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University, Newark, where she is also an affiliate member of Women's and Gender Studies, the Division of Global Affairs, and Global Urban Studies. She previously held research fellowships at the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI) and in Politics, both at the University of Manchester, as well as a Fulbright at Brown University and SUNY. She is an Associate Editor of the Journal Critical Military Studies, an editorial board member of Critical Studies on Security, International Political Sociology, Security Dialogue, and the Review of International Studies.

Developing feminist, critical race, and disability studies approaches, Dr. Howell has written on topics relating to the international relations of medicine, technoscience, security and warfare. Her first book, Madness in International Relations examined the role of psychology in global security practices. Her work has also been published in journals such as the Review of International Studies, Security Dialogue, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, Millennium: Journal of International Studies; the International Feminist Journal of Politics, the Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, Studies in Social Justice, and International Political Sociology.

Selected Publications

Race and Security Studies. Under contract with Oxford University Press. Co-authored with Melanie Richter-Montpetit.

"Is Securitization Theory Racist? Civilizationism, methodological whiteness and antiblack thought in the Copenhagen SchoolSecurity Dialogue, 51:1 (2020).

"Racism in Foucauldian Security Studies: Biopolitics, Liberal War, and the Whitewashing of Colonial and Racial Violence." International Political Sociology, 13:1 (2019).

​"Forget Militarization: Race, Disability, and the Martial Politics of the Police and of the UniversityInternational Feminist Journal of Politics.  20:2 (2018): 117-136.

"Neuroscience and War: Human Enhancement, Soldier Rehabilitation, and the Ethical Limits of Dual-use Frameworks."​Millennium: Journal of International Studies. 45:2 (2017): 133-150 

Resilience, War, and Austerity: The Ethics of Military Human Enhancement and the Politics of Data.” Security Dialogue. 46:1 (February 2015): 15-31 .

The Global Politics of Medicine: Beyond Global Health, Against Securitization Theory.” Review of International Studies. 40:5 (December 2014): 961-87.

The Demise of PTSD: From Governing Trauma to Governance through Resilience.” Alternatives: Global, Local, Political.  Special issue on ‘Governing Traumatic Events’ guest edited by James Brassett and Nick Vaughan-Williams.  36:2 (May 2012).

Madness in International Relations: Psychology, Security and the Global Governance of Mental Health. Book Series: ‘Interventions,’ series editors: Jenny Edkins and Nick Vaughan-Williams. London: Routledge, 2011.


Public Engagement

ExternalAfghanistan’s Price.” Literary Review of Canada. November 2011. Externalhttp://reviewcanada.ca/

“The War Comes Home: The Toll of War and the Shifting Burden of Care.” The Costs of War: An Accounting of the US Response to 9/11.  Report of the Watson Institute, Brown University and the Eisenhower Research Project.  Co-authored with Dr. Zoe H. Wool  Externalwww.costsofwar.org