The Department of Women's and Gender Studies would like to congratulate Jasbir Puar on receiving the


CLAGS, the Center for LGBTQ Studies at CUNY’s Graduate Center, is proud to announce scholar and activist Jasbir Puar as the winner of the 2019 Kessler Award, given every year to a scholar and/or activist who has produced a substantive body of work that has had a significant influence on the field of LGBTQ Studies.

Testimonial Speakers:
David Eng
Anjali Arondekar
Jennifer Doyle

As is customary, Dr. Puar is scheduled to speak on A No-State "Solution": Inter/Nationalism and the Question of Queer Theory before accepting the award.

Please join us in honor of Dr. Puar and her work.

Thu, December 5, 2019
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM EST

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